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Planning, Prepping, Praying

The Easter season is upon us! Where is the year going? This is my favourite time of the year, spring, blossom, light evenings and remembering the founder of our faith! I LOVE that we have opportunities to share the reason for the season with so many children and young people, in lessons, assemblies and journey days. This week will be quite heavy with planning as next week (the last week of term) is full of Easter events. We are excited to be using engaging hooks for learning and methods to tell the Easter story in fresh ways. We hope that pupils will be excited by the love and grace shown through Jesus Christ! I know I am!

As we prepare, please be praying that technology doesn't fail us, our creativity keeps flowing and that we listen to God! I can't wait to share about all that God does over the next couple of weeks.

Hannah :)

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