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Grill a Christian

Yesterday I headed to a secondary school where I have been running #believesheis with a group of girls. Over the past few weeks, the session has moved from using the material to a more informal mentoring structure. I decided that I would roll with this as it seems to be beneficial for the girls.

However, yesterday the club turned into something else completely. One girl, who is a Christian, asked me a quite intense question about God and His purposes with evil. I turned to His word, the only thing I could do, said a little prayer and gave an answer. This lead to the other girls in the group, not yet Christians, to ask me their questions. All very deep and challenging. The girls weren't asking these questions to trip me up, but because they have no one else to take them too. They were genuinely intrigued and captivated by the answers the Bible gives.

As lunch ended, I sad we could have another 'Grill a Christian' next week, and they excited said they would write their questions down. Now, I am no scholar or theologian - just a girl who loves God and wants to represent Him. I NEED your prayers in answering these questions and in building trusting relationships with these girls. I feel so privileged to have these discussions with young people and can't wait to share stories with you!

God bless,


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