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Light in the Darkness

At SCWP we are passionate about seeing young people know how valued they are. We believe that in sharing the good news of Jesus, we can achieve this. This weekend I was talking about light; how it blazes in the darkness and the darkness cannot extinguish it (John 1v5). Our aim is to take the light of the gospel in to the schools we enter.

We believe that a great way to do this is through leading activities that aren't overtly 'Christian'. Jonny and I each run after-school drama clubs, where we use Bible stories and values to create performances. Please pray for us and the children, that they will remember the stories they have heard, like memory verses.

This image caught me because at the centre of us wanting to share the light of God needs to be love. Without that we can't do anything. Relationships are key. Please pray that we can support the young people that we mentor.

Have a great Monday!

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