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Making Every Mile Count...

A part of our job at SCWP which is rarely spoken about is the driving. Every month we travel hundreds of miles travelling between appointments. Now, this is not a complaint, in fact it's an element of the job that we rather enjoy. A time to pray, worship and prepare. However, we often have limited time between bookings so the journeys can be pressured (especially when we get stuck behind a tractor or at a level crossing!). I wanted to highlight this to you, our supporters, to give you a greater insight into our everyday life. Sometimes our calendars may look a little sparse, with half hour gaps between things. However, this is time which is precious and often spent in the car!

Let me give you an example of one of our days. Tomorrow I begin at Selattyn (9am) for an assembly, I will then travel to Ellesmere (10am), to save time and petrol, where we will have a team meeting and plan. We then head to Faith Group at Lakelands (12pm), from here I will head to Trefonen (1.15pm) for assembly (a half hour journey), then to Criftins (2:45pm), This may seem like bad planning in regard to the location of the schools, but we want to support the schools we go into in the best way we can. We must fit our schedule to suit their timetables.

We love busy days like this, full of all the things we love most! We would value your prayers for our travels, as the sun is low and the roads often wet; sometimes icy! Also for our cars (mine's definitely getting on a bit!) and that we fit all of our appointments in.

Thank you and God bless!


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