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SCWP December Update

Praise God for the drama after-school club at Trefonen, which has led to the children performing the parable of The Good Samaritan, and the stories of the Paralysed Man and Jesus Calms the Storm to their peers in assemblies. Praise God for the children’s enthusiasm about drama and discussing the stories. Praise God for the lessons I have led at Welshampton on ‘prayer’ and ‘why do people celebrate Christmas’.

Praise God for the meaningful conversations that are continuing to take place at Lakelands Faith Group around the idea of ‘Am I Spiritual?’ with the consistent group of young people who are coming each week. Praise God too that the The Marches CU is growing, both in number and in depth of conversation. Praise God that Hannah’s ‘She is…’ programme has now started at the Marches and is going really well.

Please do pray for Hannah as she seeks to get dates in the diary with a couple of schools who are very keen to have her.

Thank you so much for prayerfully partnering with us in this work. God bless, Jonny

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