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A Week in the Life...

Each term we send out a calendar of many of the commitments we have. However, as each week comes, we pick up more and our diaries get fuller - which we love! Jonny and I are so grateful for the prayer and support we receive, so we wanted to find a way to keep our supporters informed of what we are doing day-to-day. This blog is our way of doing that.

Here's an overview of what this week has looked like:

We have had a number of assemblies in primary schools each day with a topics of 'Trust' and 'Hard Work'. We have also had secondary school assemblies using engaging methods to articulate the important message of being content with what we have. Faith Group and Christian Union have been encouraging with numbers growing and deep, meaningful conversations about life, spirituality and Jesus. I have started to run a 'Believe She is...' group with a group of girls in the largest secondary school in Oswestry which is going well with some good responses. I had an encouraging meeting with another secondary school where we have put dates in the diary to run the course in the new year! God is on the move!

Between appointments we spend our time planning and preparing for assemblies. We want everything we do to be current and engaging for young people, using a variety of methods to 'hook' pupils. Also, we believe it is important to take time to pray for what we do and the young people and staff we come into contact with. Without God, we can't do anything!

Thank you for your continued support and prayer!

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